I know what your thinking, it's not even noon on Halloween, what do you mean you "went" as the finstones. Let me elaborate. Last weekend Dominic's family and the three of us went to a Halloween party, and that is when we dressed up. There is a very good chance that we are not dressing up tonight, especially since we assumed Dominic would work, and I've got a crap-load of studying to do. Long story short, we are being homebodies this Halloween. :) I wouldn't have it any other way. Although next year, and subsuquent years, when Kaelyn will actually understand what is going on, we will trick or treat :)
For all of you going to a party, or going trick or treating, or whatever else you may be doing, have fun tonight! I hope that you have an absolute blast! Let your inner kid out, and just have fun :) That said, be safe! I want to see all my friends tomorrow, so no drinking and driving, not stupid acts of drunkeness (or stupid acts of soberness, you never know!). I love you all and

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