Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Nothing to say
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Oh, get off your high [hobby]horse
I have too many hobbies. I have so many that I start one and can't finish the others. Currently I have
x.multiple unfinished watercolor paintings
x.lots of scrapbooking to do (although I don't have the pictures printed, so that's not entirely my fault)
x.a bathroom to finish painting
x.multiple unfinished crocheting projects (at least two blankets and a scarf)
x.a garden to keep up with
x.a hair-ribbon "business"
& I'm sure there will be more to come.
Gah, I really wish that I could buckle down and just do a project start to finish. The main problem is that I am good at lots of things (see aforementioned list) it's just that I am easily bored/distracted. So I start something, do it for a while, and then come back to it in 6 months. Well, whatever. :P
Anyway, I am going to lunch with Dominic's mom tomorrow. Kinda excited :)) The main reason I am going is to show off princess Kaelyn to Tracie's co-workers, and she said that if I drive all the to Fontana, the least she can do is buy me lunch lol. So, that will be fun. It just means that not only do I have to bath and dress up the baby, I have to bathe and dress-up myself. Oh well, food is my reward, I just gotta keep my eye on the prize :) hah
So today I had lunch with one of my favorite people. Miss Volney Youngstrom (It's like Younquist and Engstrom put together :)) Anyway, we went to our favorite restaurant The Corner Bakery Cafe :) yumm. If you've been there, you know what I mean, if you haven't - go! You will not be dissappointed. I had the salad trio with ceaser, fruit, and potato bacon ranch :) and of course I got my banana carmel baby bundt cake. All this talk about food and no talk about my girlfriend! HA. anyway, Volney is moving back home at the end of this month, and she's gong to be working full-time this year, she's having a hard time making ends meet :/ it's a bummer that I won't be seeing her around APU, but "we're making the best with what we've got" :) I love this girl. Even though she told me she was pregnant.
Speaking of pregnant, I just "met" a wonderful girl, Ashley, who is due in just a couple months with a baby girl! I am so excited for her, and for the life she's about to start! I can already tell that God is working in wonderful ways through this young woman. I cannot wait to meet her in person!
Well, tonight I really don't have much more to say, so like always
till next time, xo.
x.multiple unfinished watercolor paintings
x.lots of scrapbooking to do (although I don't have the pictures printed, so that's not entirely my fault)
x.a bathroom to finish painting
x.multiple unfinished crocheting projects (at least two blankets and a scarf)
x.a garden to keep up with
x.a hair-ribbon "business"
& I'm sure there will be more to come.
Gah, I really wish that I could buckle down and just do a project start to finish. The main problem is that I am good at lots of things (see aforementioned list) it's just that I am easily bored/distracted. So I start something, do it for a while, and then come back to it in 6 months. Well, whatever. :P
Anyway, I am going to lunch with Dominic's mom tomorrow. Kinda excited :)) The main reason I am going is to show off princess Kaelyn to Tracie's co-workers, and she said that if I drive all the to Fontana, the least she can do is buy me lunch lol. So, that will be fun. It just means that not only do I have to bath and dress up the baby, I have to bathe and dress-up myself. Oh well, food is my reward, I just gotta keep my eye on the prize :) hah
So today I had lunch with one of my favorite people. Miss Volney Youngstrom (It's like Younquist and Engstrom put together :)) Anyway, we went to our favorite restaurant The Corner Bakery Cafe :) yumm. If you've been there, you know what I mean, if you haven't - go! You will not be dissappointed. I had the salad trio with ceaser, fruit, and potato bacon ranch :) and of course I got my banana carmel baby bundt cake. All this talk about food and no talk about my girlfriend! HA. anyway, Volney is moving back home at the end of this month, and she's gong to be working full-time this year, she's having a hard time making ends meet :/ it's a bummer that I won't be seeing her around APU, but "we're making the best with what we've got" :) I love this girl. Even though she told me she was pregnant.
Speaking of pregnant, I just "met" a wonderful girl, Ashley, who is due in just a couple months with a baby girl! I am so excited for her, and for the life she's about to start! I can already tell that God is working in wonderful ways through this young woman. I cannot wait to meet her in person!
Well, tonight I really don't have much more to say, so like always
till next time, xo.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Good, good day,
This pretty much sums up the attitude of the evening - "They were Wingstop virgins, so I got to pop their Wingstop cherries. And they liked it." Thank you Lindsay.

Loved hanging out with my girls today, it's amazing how much fun we had! :) And Lindsay and I man, we've got sooo many memories! Katie and I do too, and Katie and Lindsay do as well, so it's really neat to go back and see how intertwined all of our lives were/are. One of my favorite quotes of the night was,
"Well Tori, you have a lumpy head too."
"How do you even know that?"
"We were best friends for a long time, we got to know each other reallllly well"
oh Lindsay! :) haha. Other than all of that, it was still a pretty awesome day. I got to work on my garden a little bit (pictures to come when it starts to sprout a bit more), I got to hang with my girls, and I got to end the night hanging out with my babylove:)
This next week is going to be a very busy one. I've got my school work to focus on, I'm going to coffee with Volney Monday, lunch with Tracie Tuesday, out of town relatives are visiting Wednesday, breather Thursday, photoshoot with Lindsay Friday, and my family is leaving for good on Saturday! Yikes! :) It should be fun though!
I'm a little aprehensive as to being home alone for two weeks. I mean, it's one thing to be left alone for a night, or a weekend, or whatever. But two weeks? And then I've gotta lock up when I leave, and then I'm coming home to an empty house. It'll be an interesting month, to say the least :)
Well, bedtime :) I'm going to crash out like this one :)
xo, till next time.

Loved hanging out with my girls today, it's amazing how much fun we had! :) And Lindsay and I man, we've got sooo many memories! Katie and I do too, and Katie and Lindsay do as well, so it's really neat to go back and see how intertwined all of our lives were/are. One of my favorite quotes of the night was,
"Well Tori, you have a lumpy head too."
"How do you even know that?"
"We were best friends for a long time, we got to know each other reallllly well"
oh Lindsay! :) haha. Other than all of that, it was still a pretty awesome day. I got to work on my garden a little bit (pictures to come when it starts to sprout a bit more), I got to hang with my girls, and I got to end the night hanging out with my babylove:)
This next week is going to be a very busy one. I've got my school work to focus on, I'm going to coffee with Volney Monday, lunch with Tracie Tuesday, out of town relatives are visiting Wednesday, breather Thursday, photoshoot with Lindsay Friday, and my family is leaving for good on Saturday! Yikes! :) It should be fun though!
I'm a little aprehensive as to being home alone for two weeks. I mean, it's one thing to be left alone for a night, or a weekend, or whatever. But two weeks? And then I've gotta lock up when I leave, and then I'm coming home to an empty house. It'll be an interesting month, to say the least :)

xo, till next time.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I'm just too cheery
I got told that today. I really don't think that I am too cheery! I mean, I'm a happy person, but not too much.... hmm. lol. Anyway, I am in a particularly good mood though. So last week I took my midterm for my Luke/Acts class, and I got a 78% on it. And I was kind of bummed, but whatever, right? Wrong. So turns out there was a glitch in the program and I really got an 87% :) so, I'm pretty happy - to say the least.
My family is so important to me. I don't even remember what life was like before Kaelyn, and I remember even less about life before Dominic. It's so wonderful, really it is. I suggest that everyone have a baby, it doesn't matter who you are or how old, just have one. Then, and only then, will you experience true love :) okay, so that's a bad idea, but really, it's great :)
I love flickr. I mentioned that in my blog "Things that make me Happy" but, I wanted to mention it again. Almost every picture that I get, minus the ones of Kaelyn, come from there. :) All of the pictures in this blog entry are flickred as well :)
I always used to wish I had a sister. Random, I know, but growing up that was one thing I always wanted soooo bad! Also, I always wished that I had a twin somewhere out there, that my parents weren't able to take care of or something, and that one day, I'd meet her - just like the Parent Trap! haha, oh my dreams!
Also, when I was younger, I was very ambitious. I wanted to be a farmer by day and a belly dancer by night. Not at all promiscuous, I know :) haha
So, I am addicted to Ben & Jerry's ice cream. I don't know why it has to cost so dang much, but I buy it anyway. My favorites are, Phish Phood, Cinnamon Bun, Imagine Whirled Peace & Americone Dream. :) Mmmmm
Anywho, cramps suck! Can I just say, that being pregnant were some of the best nine months of my life, only because 'Mother Nature' left me the heck alone! Can I always be pregnant? Please?
AHH in exactly 4 hours and 55 minutes (it's 3:05pm) the brand-new season of Big Brother starts!!! Channel 2, 8pm - do it!! :)
Well, that' s all I can think of to write right now. I've rambled quite a bit, sorry! Anyway, off to enjoy the rest of my B&J's and my cramps!
till next time!...xo

I love flickr. I mentioned that in my blog "Things that make me Happy" but, I wanted to mention it again. Almost every picture that I get, minus the ones of Kaelyn, come from there. :) All of the pictures in this blog entry are flickred as well :)

Also, when I was younger, I was very ambitious. I wanted to be a farmer by day and a belly dancer by night. Not at all promiscuous, I know :) haha

Anywho, cramps suck! Can I just say, that being pregnant were some of the best nine months of my life, only because 'Mother Nature' left me the heck alone! Can I always be pregnant? Please?
AHH in exactly 4 hours and 55 minutes (it's 3:05pm) the brand-new season of Big Brother starts!!! Channel 2, 8pm - do it!! :)
Well, that' s all I can think of to write right now. I've rambled quite a bit, sorry! Anyway, off to enjoy the rest of my B&J's and my cramps!
till next time!...xo
Ben and Jerry's,
Big Brother,
Mother Nature,
Parent Trap,
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
That's how I feel right now. And it is such a wonderful feeling! I just finsished (well, two hours ago) my exegitical paper for Luke/Acts - it was a beast - but it's good and done! Also, I have the next two weeks completely planned out so I know what
I'm doing, and I've got everything under control. I love having everything in a schedule, and my poor planner proves this. But, I loveee having it like this - I call it organized chaos :)
Speaking of chaos, I am already thinking about packing for our trip to Montana. Its 10 days, which isn't too bad, but when you assume that Kaelyn will wear 2-3 outfits everyday (spitup, poop etc. makes for more than a single outfit) plus she needs clean pajamas every other night, and diapers, and socks, and bibs....the list just goes on and on - and we haven't even gotten to me yet! But, it's okay, at least I'm starting early!
Tomorrow I get to hang out with Dominic all day :) yippee! It's because it's one of his 2 days off this week. We are going to hopefully put up my blinds, and we're going to watch Big Brother! Yay! The season premiere is on tomorrow night, channel 11 at 8pm! You should definitley check it out!
I was just looking over my school schedule for this fall - it's intense! I'm going to have zero social life, so I apologize now to all my friends! I've got Laboratory for Health Sciences, Organic Chemistry for Nursing Majors, Anatomy Lecture, Anatomy Laboratory, Intro to Philosophy & 1 & 2 Samuel. Yuck! But, oh well, I just keep telling myself, I gotta get through this, if not for me, for my daughter. She needs someone who can provide for her. Only 4 1/2 more years sweet pea, and mommy can provide for you! :)

I just wanted to share one of my favorite pictures of Kaelyn :)
Friday is girls day! :) I can't wait to hang out with Lindsay and Katie. And we're having wingstop, which I've never had, so it should be interesting! Plus, I love, love, love going in the pool, and so does Kaelyn. I'm sure we will all have a good time, and I'm sure Lindsay will take 100 thousand beautiful pictures!
Well, I suppose it's time for me to go, Kaelyn's getting fussy, so I'll go rescue my mom, and I've got to get to work on cleaning my room for Friday. One of the downfalls to having a baby - everything takes 5 times the amount of time to accomplish!
til next time - xo
Speaking of chaos, I am already thinking about packing for our trip to Montana. Its 10 days, which isn't too bad, but when you assume that Kaelyn will wear 2-3 outfits everyday (spitup, poop etc. makes for more than a single outfit) plus she needs clean pajamas every other night, and diapers, and socks, and bibs....the list just goes on and on - and we haven't even gotten to me yet! But, it's okay, at least I'm starting early!
Tomorrow I get to hang out with Dominic all day :) yippee! It's because it's one of his 2 days off this week. We are going to hopefully put up my blinds, and we're going to watch Big Brother! Yay! The season premiere is on tomorrow night, channel 11 at 8pm! You should definitley check it out!
I was just looking over my school schedule for this fall - it's intense! I'm going to have zero social life, so I apologize now to all my friends! I've got Laboratory for Health Sciences, Organic Chemistry for Nursing Majors, Anatomy Lecture, Anatomy Laboratory, Intro to Philosophy & 1 & 2 Samuel. Yuck! But, oh well, I just keep telling myself, I gotta get through this, if not for me, for my daughter. She needs someone who can provide for her. Only 4 1/2 more years sweet pea, and mommy can provide for you! :)
I just wanted to share one of my favorite pictures of Kaelyn :)
Friday is girls day! :) I can't wait to hang out with Lindsay and Katie. And we're having wingstop, which I've never had, so it should be interesting! Plus, I love, love, love going in the pool, and so does Kaelyn. I'm sure we will all have a good time, and I'm sure Lindsay will take 100 thousand beautiful pictures!
Well, I suppose it's time for me to go, Kaelyn's getting fussy, so I'll go rescue my mom, and I've got to get to work on cleaning my room for Friday. One of the downfalls to having a baby - everything takes 5 times the amount of time to accomplish!
til next time - xo
Monday, July 6, 2009
Things that Make me Happy
x.all my new and re-found friends
o.Alyssa chicken pizza from Trader Joe's
x.sitting in my room doing nothing
x.The Secret Life of The American Teenager (the show)
x.The Secret Life of The American Teenager (the blog)
x.reading other people's blogs
x.retail therapy
x.thinking about our upcoming trip to Montana
x.watching Kaelyn grow and learn
x.taking care of my garden
o.especially for other people
x.watching movies
x.watching HGTV
x.taking pictures
x.searching "random" on flickr
x.being a mother coke
x.Parent's magazine cute cover kid contest
o.entering Kaelyn in the aforementioned contest
x.making lists
x.crossing things off of lists
x.making lists of things I've already done, just so I can cross those things off
x.all my new and re-found friends
o.Alyssa chicken pizza from Trader Joe's
x.sitting in my room doing nothing
x.The Secret Life of The American Teenager (the show)
x.The Secret Life of The American Teenager (the blog)
x.reading other people's blogs
x.retail therapy
x.thinking about our upcoming trip to Montana
x.watching Kaelyn grow and learn
x.taking care of my garden
o.especially for other people
x.watching movies
x.watching HGTV
x.taking pictures
x.searching "random" on flickr
x.being a mother coke
x.Parent's magazine cute cover kid contest
o.entering Kaelyn in the aforementioned contest
x.making lists
x.crossing things off of lists
x.making lists of things I've already done, just so I can cross those things off
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Is my new favorite song. It's by Frank and Derol. Victoria Mack introduced me to them, and now I am forever grateful. Check it out. It's fantastic.
So I am sooo happy to have met with Lindsay today :) We had a wonderful time catching up, and she took some beautiful pictures of Kaelyn.

I'm not going to go into details, but Dominic and I have had a tough two days. It's hard being parents, being teenagers, being in love, AND getting along! :) But, things are good, and I am so happy. I have never been so in love, and I can't wait to marry my babylove :)) But that's enough about him - I don't wanna make y'all gag haha!
So tonight Dominic and I decided to go watch the fireworks (just like everyone and their uncle) but anyway, we drove up to the point, and it was jam-packed! Not only was it crowded, we couldn't see any fire works - fail! So then we drove to the new Vons center and wall-la! No people and a perfect view! :))
I made dinner tonight, lasagna:) It was delish!! I'm an excellent baker, but my cooking is hit and miss. Sometimes it's great, and other times it makes you want to eat your own vomit. Haha. Anyway, tonight was a hit. And I made my babylove happy.
I've decided that after church tomorrow I am locking myself in my room and doing ALL my homework. Uggh, not excited about that at all.
Anyway, I'm off to raid the refrigerator.
till next time, xo
So I am sooo happy to have met with Lindsay today :) We had a wonderful time catching up, and she took some beautiful pictures of Kaelyn.

I'm not going to go into details, but Dominic and I have had a tough two days. It's hard being parents, being teenagers, being in love, AND getting along! :) But, things are good, and I am so happy. I have never been so in love, and I can't wait to marry my babylove :)) But that's enough about him - I don't wanna make y'all gag haha!
So tonight Dominic and I decided to go watch the fireworks (just like everyone and their uncle) but anyway, we drove up to the point, and it was jam-packed! Not only was it crowded, we couldn't see any fire works - fail! So then we drove to the new Vons center and wall-la! No people and a perfect view! :))

I've decided that after church tomorrow I am locking myself in my room and doing ALL my homework. Uggh, not excited about that at all.
Anyway, I'm off to raid the refrigerator.
till next time, xo
Friday, July 3, 2009
This one is Dedicated to Lindsay
Mainly because she keeps bugging me to update :)
This last weekend was wonderful. Kaelyn got baptized and then we had a lovely party at my house :) One of the most precious gifts that she received is this beautiful dress from Katie. It makes her look like a little fairy princess :)

This week was spent with homework, homework and more homework. It seems like Dominic does homework one day while I watch Kaelyn, and then the next day we switch! But at least in a couple of weeks we will both be done!
Tomorrow is the 4th of July. (after I typed that I thought duh. to myself.) Anyway, parade :) every year my church has a float, and I love to walk with them, but with the baby and the sun, and the possibility of her getting hungry, all lead me to decide to watch it this year. I don't think I've ever watched it, so it will be fun! Plus, when you're watching you get to walk down to the McElwain's home and show off your baby girl :)
So I entered Kaelyn in the Parent's Magazine Cover Model Contest. I'd like to think she has a chance to become a semi-finalist. Although, I'm pretty sure I'm biased. It's steep competition though, they pick the top 20 (of her age group) out of close to 10,000 entrants. So, don't get your hopes up. (that was for me, not you all)
Well, I believe this is all for tonight. I need my sleep, and so do you! So, go to bed!!!
til next time, xo
This last weekend was wonderful. Kaelyn got baptized and then we had a lovely party at my house :) One of the most precious gifts that she received is this beautiful dress from Katie. It makes her look like a little fairy princess :)

This week was spent with homework, homework and more homework. It seems like Dominic does homework one day while I watch Kaelyn, and then the next day we switch! But at least in a couple of weeks we will both be done!
Tomorrow is the 4th of July. (after I typed that I thought duh. to myself.) Anyway, parade :) every year my church has a float, and I love to walk with them, but with the baby and the sun, and the possibility of her getting hungry, all lead me to decide to watch it this year. I don't think I've ever watched it, so it will be fun! Plus, when you're watching you get to walk down to the McElwain's home and show off your baby girl :)
So I entered Kaelyn in the Parent's Magazine Cover Model Contest. I'd like to think she has a chance to become a semi-finalist. Although, I'm pretty sure I'm biased. It's steep competition though, they pick the top 20 (of her age group) out of close to 10,000 entrants. So, don't get your hopes up. (that was for me, not you all)
Well, I believe this is all for tonight. I need my sleep, and so do you! So, go to bed!!!
til next time, xo
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