Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Amanda inspired me

Amanda, from the most amazing blog ever (click here to read it) just blogged about polyvore, which is a great site where you put together a collection of clothes and accesories that you have, you want, or you lust! So, of course, being the copy-cat that I am, I made one, and well, here it is! Enjoy!


  1. Hey girl! Ok, first of all, I LOVE the font you chose for your blog! It looks awesome! :) Second, I am *gasping* at that Fendi sweater!! Love it!! That is one stylin' collection!! :)

  2. Hi Victoria!
    OMG! Those pumps . . . those would kill me. I know you checked out my blog. Remember what my choice of footwear was. Slippers/flip flops. I'm a casual kinda girl, but sometimes I like the glits and glamour as well. Love your collection!

  3. Amanda, Thanks so much, my other blog has a cute font too, and I loveeee the sweater too!

    Luvn mama, I saw your collection, and I love the beach vibe, I'm a cali girl, so I totally get that! Thanks both of you for the comments!! :))
