Sunday, May 24, 2009
Reconnecting, good or bad?
I've spent the last week reconnecting with old friends, and making plans with new ones. It started with Katie, we haven't talked in years, since middle school, but it was so great getting to know little bits of her on Facebook, and we decided to hang out. It was a blast, and we're having a playdate Thursday :) So that obviously went well. Well, last week Kaila started talking to me too. She and I haven't talked since before graduation, we had a massive falling out, which I'm not going to get into, for her sake and mine own. Well, it's just weird because I like her, she knows more about me than a lot of people ever will, and I love her family. But, it's hard. I've gone through a radical change in the last year, not just with having Kaelyn, but that is a huge part of it. But, I feel like I don't want to share myself with the people who left and are coming back now. I want to share myself with the people who were with me when the going got tough, when I was 9 months pregnant and they were rubbing my feet, and helping me study, and everything else my fiance and my new friends have done for me. Is it selfish? Is it wrong to not want to go back to high school? I didn't think anything of it until I started talking to Mat today. He's great, by the way, and I am so happy that his life is going so well, but do I want to stay connected to my past? I didn't like who I was then, will I like it now? And if you three people are reading this, I love you guys, I really do. PLEASE don't take this as me trying to cut ties to any or all of you, I'm just trying to grow out of highschool, and I want to make sure that my highschool friends have the same goal, cause I don't want to be stuck there forever.
Monday, May 18, 2009
First Test Today
In my spanish class. I'm a little nervous, I'm sure I'll do fine, but I always get nervous right before a test. We shall see :)
Lunch tomorrow with miss Katie, I'm pretty dang excited, for two reasons :) 1. I am obviously excited to see/catch up with Katie, 2. I have never been to Rubio's haha.
I am addicted to working out! I guess that's a good thing, and it's not like I work out 3 hours a day or anything, but I work out in short 15-20 minute bursts 3 times a day! Only problem, I'm not losing as much weight as I'm hoping for :/ lame!
This morning, Kaelyn was yelling at me, oh dear, it was so cute! First she was just babbling away in baby talk, I was talking to her and she was talking back. Then, all of the sudden, she was yelling, in baby talk of course! And it wasn't crying, or upsetness, it was just rasing her voice! It was very, very cute.
I want to get a pedicure. I think that next time I've got a chunk of money I'm going to splurge and treat myself. :)
Well, that's all for now
til next time...xo
Lunch tomorrow with miss Katie, I'm pretty dang excited, for two reasons :) 1. I am obviously excited to see/catch up with Katie, 2. I have never been to Rubio's haha.
I am addicted to working out! I guess that's a good thing, and it's not like I work out 3 hours a day or anything, but I work out in short 15-20 minute bursts 3 times a day! Only problem, I'm not losing as much weight as I'm hoping for :/ lame!
This morning, Kaelyn was yelling at me, oh dear, it was so cute! First she was just babbling away in baby talk, I was talking to her and she was talking back. Then, all of the sudden, she was yelling, in baby talk of course! And it wasn't crying, or upsetness, it was just rasing her voice! It was very, very cute.
I want to get a pedicure. I think that next time I've got a chunk of money I'm going to splurge and treat myself. :)
Well, that's all for now
til next time...xo
Rubio's Baja Grill,
working out
Friday, May 15, 2009
Successfull Shopping Trip
Yep, it sure was! I got a ton of stuff! Favorites include two pairs of shorts, a wrap dress, a cute lacy top and drum roll please - a swimsuit :) It's too cute, yellow and black and white. But, not bumbee looking at all haha. I'd say it was a successful trip.
So, Hell's Kitchen Finale last night, what a bust, the cockiest person won, gah I hate that! Oh well, the person I wanted to win (Laura) can go on to bigger and better things.
I am so addicted to Pick Up Stix. They have the best chicken in the entire world! Everytime I go I get the house chicken with brown rice and a spring roll...yumm! I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.
I don't have a very good feeling about this online class that I am taking. It seems like it's a little too advanced for me, and it's only a 100-level course! But, we shall see. I turned in my first assignment yesterday, all it was was a paragraph response to our readings, so hopefully I did well. My other class though, is sooo easy! It's elementary spanish 1, and we are moving at such a slow pace! I feel bad for the people in there who don't know spanish though because he jumps around a lot. He has yet to explain how to conjugate verbs, yet he expects everyone to know which form to use and when...oh well.
I get to spend the day/evening with Dominic! Oh, I am so excited! Since I have started my classes I haven't been able to spend more than a few minutes with him while we are exchanging the baby :/. But tonight - is us time! yay!
Wii Fit update - I am 2lbs lighter! yay me!
Well, Kaelyn just woke up from her nap, and I gotta get lunch anyway,
till next time...xo!
So, Hell's Kitchen Finale last night, what a bust, the cockiest person won, gah I hate that! Oh well, the person I wanted to win (Laura) can go on to bigger and better things.
I am so addicted to Pick Up Stix. They have the best chicken in the entire world! Everytime I go I get the house chicken with brown rice and a spring roll...yumm! I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.
I don't have a very good feeling about this online class that I am taking. It seems like it's a little too advanced for me, and it's only a 100-level course! But, we shall see. I turned in my first assignment yesterday, all it was was a paragraph response to our readings, so hopefully I did well. My other class though, is sooo easy! It's elementary spanish 1, and we are moving at such a slow pace! I feel bad for the people in there who don't know spanish though because he jumps around a lot. He has yet to explain how to conjugate verbs, yet he expects everyone to know which form to use and when...oh well.
I get to spend the day/evening with Dominic! Oh, I am so excited! Since I have started my classes I haven't been able to spend more than a few minutes with him while we are exchanging the baby :/. But tonight - is us time! yay!
Well, Kaelyn just woke up from her nap, and I gotta get lunch anyway,
till next time...xo!
Hell's Kitchen,
Pick Up Stix,
Thursday, May 14, 2009
...I think I work better under pressure. Like honestly. I wait until the last minute to do everything, not just school work either. I don't put gas in my car until the gas light goes on, I only charge my cell phone battery after the phone shuts off from insufficent battery life, and I wait until pain is excurciating before taking medicine. I think it's a bit of a problem, acutally.
Moving on, my dad bought my mom (and the rest of us, really) aWii Fit . Omgsh, sooo much fun! I started yesterday, and I have worked out twice now! Plus, I was pretty excited when it told me I was a healthy BMI. My favorite part about it is definetly the yoga. I'm pretty good at it already, probably because I've always been pretty flexible. Plus, I just feel so pumped after I do it! Yay for FINALLY working out!
Today Kaelyn and I went to Barnes and Noble. I figured it was hish time she had some picture books for me to read to her! I got her three books, they are all in the "Baby's First" series. I got Bedtime, Farm, and Sounds. They are pretty neat, they're board books with one picture and one word on each page. And Dominic and decided that I would read them to her in Spanish, and he's going to read them to her in Engilsh. :)
Anything else? Oh yes, Mommy and me shopping day - times two! Kaelyn and my mom and I are all going shopping today, at 2, when she's off of work! Yay! And it's for summer clothes for me!! :) Oh, I can't wait! I am trying to find a swimsuit that will cover all my stretch marks...Kaelyn wasn't very gentle on my body. So we shall see! If I get anything good there may be another blog tonight teehee
till next time...xo.
Moving on, my dad bought my mom (and the rest of us, really) a

Today Kaelyn and I went to Barnes and Noble. I figured it was hish time she had some picture books for me to read to her! I got her three books, they are all in the "Baby's First" series. I got Bedtime, Farm, and Sounds. They are pretty neat, they're board books with one picture and one word on each page. And Dominic and decided that I would read them to her in Spanish, and he's going to read them to her in Engilsh. :)
Anything else? Oh yes, Mommy and me shopping day - times two! Kaelyn and my mom and I are all going shopping today, at 2, when she's off of work! Yay! And it's for summer clothes for me!! :) Oh, I can't wait! I am trying to find a swimsuit that will cover all my stretch marks...Kaelyn wasn't very gentle on my body. So we shall see! If I get anything good there may be another blog tonight teehee
till next time...xo.
Barnes and Noble,
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
First Day of Summer School
And I already wish I hadn't signed up for it. Bleh. At least I know one person (although it's an online class so even that doesn't help me) Whatever. I'm taking Spanish and History....I just need to stop talking about it, it's making me depressed... gah.
Anyway. I am really proud of myself, I have been very productive this week. I know, it's only Tuesday (Wednesday, technically, by 20 minutes), but really, I normally stay in bed until about 1 in the afternoon, and then stay in pj's till it's time to get ready for class. But these last two days I've been up and at-em by 9, and I've been making a point to do my hair and makeup while Kaelyn has her Early Afternoon nap. :) And I feel like it's really made a difference in my mood. I feel more energized, and I feel prettier. And when I feel pretty, I feel happy, and when I'm happy little things like summer school and the fact that Dominic is never home don't seem to make me as unhappy...
Speaking of Dominic, he's applying for a new job :)) yay! He HATES working at Stater Bros. and has for a while, it'll be nice to see him change it up!
Well, I know this is pretty short, but I gotta get to bed, I have loads of homework tomorrow...btw does anyone want to buy a Coach Keychain? It's authentic and brand new, and I'm selling it for $40...let me know :)
till next time...xo.
Anyway. I am really proud of myself, I have been very productive this week. I know, it's only Tuesday (Wednesday, technically, by 20 minutes), but really, I normally stay in bed until about 1 in the afternoon, and then stay in pj's till it's time to get ready for class. But these last two days I've been up and at-em by 9, and I've been making a point to do my hair and makeup while Kaelyn has her Early Afternoon nap. :) And I feel like it's really made a difference in my mood. I feel more energized, and I feel prettier. And when I feel pretty, I feel happy, and when I'm happy little things like summer school and the fact that Dominic is never home don't seem to make me as unhappy...
Speaking of Dominic, he's applying for a new job :)) yay! He HATES working at Stater Bros. and has for a while, it'll be nice to see him change it up!
Well, I know this is pretty short, but I gotta get to bed, I have loads of homework tomorrow...btw does anyone want to buy a Coach Keychain? It's authentic and brand new, and I'm selling it for $40...let me know :)
till next time...xo.
Stater Bros.
Monday, May 11, 2009
So I Took The Weekend Off,
I thought I deserved it, seeing as it was my first Mother's Day! Oh, and it was a great one! I had such a nice time with my family..and I love that I am a mother, it's such an incredible feeling :) My brother, Matthew, made me the sweetest wall plaque, which he painted himself. And he wrote a card that said "I know you're not my mother, but you are a great mother to Kaelyn, Happy Mother's Day!" awww, makes my heart melt :))
In other news, I start school tomorrow, I have my first ever online class, which should be interesting, and I've got Spanish 4 nights a week. Blah. lol. I am excited about my Spanish class though, I'm minoring in good ol Espanol, so it shouldn't be too difficult. The online class may be a toughie though, it's History..and me and history go together like peanut butter and pickles...
Today Dominic and I heard a REAL laugh from Kaelyn, it was sooo sweet. Last week I was playing with her and she had little gurgles and giggles, and I was soo excited, and then today Dominic and I were playing with her and I tickled her and she laughed and laughed...oh it was precious. I think both of us were on the edge of tears. She's incredible. End of story.
Well, that's all for tonight I suppose, I've gotta be up early to take care of my little stinker
till next time ...xo.
In other news, I start school tomorrow, I have my first ever online class, which should be interesting, and I've got Spanish 4 nights a week. Blah. lol. I am excited about my Spanish class though, I'm minoring in good ol Espanol, so it shouldn't be too difficult. The online class may be a toughie though, it's History..and me and history go together like peanut butter and pickles...
Today Dominic and I heard a REAL laugh from Kaelyn, it was sooo sweet. Last week I was playing with her and she had little gurgles and giggles, and I was soo excited, and then today Dominic and I were playing with her and I tickled her and she laughed and laughed...oh it was precious. I think both of us were on the edge of tears. She's incredible. End of story.
Well, that's all for tonight I suppose, I've gotta be up early to take care of my little stinker
till next time ...xo.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Looking to save Money, Honey
These days it seems like everyone is doing everything they can to save money, and me and my babydaddy are no exception. I am know to Dominic's family as the coupon queen, and I have resorted to heading straight for sale racks and clearance bins. And although it seems like I am just being cheap, to be quite honest, I have learned many a thing.
For one, It is cheaper to make 200 diaper wipes than it is to buy 60, UNLESS, you buy them from the dollar store. And yes, I have made my own diaper wipes.
For two, ebay is my new best friend. And it's closest competitor is Overstock Auctions. I bought myself a pair of Chip and Pepper jeans for 15$ eep! And on Overstock I got my mom an authentic Coach keychain, for 10$. Plus, buying used clothing and other items makes the prices even cheaper, and it's enviromentally friendly.
My last money-saving kick? Don't worry about brand names (with household items) window-shine is going to clean just as well as Windex, Super School Glue is going to hold just as well as Elmer's, and so on. It's simple and easy to switch to off brands, especially for things that no one else sees or uses.
I will say though, the place to spend the big bucks is on your clothes....not! I LOVE hollister, however, I can't tell you the last time I paid retail for their stuff. You know, they've got TONS of clearance for their woman's stuff in the men's section! You can get two for one and sometimes three for one on their jeans! Word to the wise - be prepared to buy off-season clothing.
Anyway, that's all this shopaholic has for now..
till next time...xo.
For one, It is cheaper to make 200 diaper wipes than it is to buy 60, UNLESS, you buy them from the dollar store. And yes, I have made my own diaper wipes.
For two, ebay is my new best friend. And it's closest competitor is Overstock Auctions. I bought myself a pair of Chip and Pepper jeans for 15$ eep! And on Overstock I got my mom an authentic Coach keychain, for 10$. Plus, buying used clothing and other items makes the prices even cheaper, and it's enviromentally friendly.
My last money-saving kick? Don't worry about brand names (with household items) window-shine is going to clean just as well as Windex, Super School Glue is going to hold just as well as Elmer's, and so on. It's simple and easy to switch to off brands, especially for things that no one else sees or uses.
I will say though, the place to spend the big bucks is on your clothes....not! I LOVE hollister, however, I can't tell you the last time I paid retail for their stuff. You know, they've got TONS of clearance for their woman's stuff in the men's section! You can get two for one and sometimes three for one on their jeans! Word to the wise - be prepared to buy off-season clothing.
Anyway, that's all this shopaholic has for now..
till next time...xo.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Mother's Day is coming up!
I am going to blow my mom's mind this mother's day :) I got her the cutest Coach charm bracelet, and she is totally obsessed with that brand right now. Score: Tori 1. Anyway, as for Mother's day, this is my first! That's so exciting. Although Kaelyn is obviously too young to help me celebrate, I am going out to lunch with the moms in Dominic's family, and I am really excited. Yay!
In other news, Kaelyn laughed for the first time yesterday! I have yet to get her to do it again, but I was tickling her and she distictly giggled twice! Oh the joys of having an infant :) I know it's odd, but I feel very proud of her when she smiles or laughs or even holds her head on her own. It must be hard, having a body and not knowing how to hold it or what to do with it. But she is growing and learning so fast, and it just makes me proud.

I've been really missing Dominic lately, it seems like he's always at school, and although he's had his work hours cut back, I just still feel he's not around enough. That said, every free moment we are together, and I thank God for that. I just don't want him to miss out on Kaelyn, like I said, she's growing so fast.
That's all that's on my mind for now...who knows when the next post will be
Til next time...xo.
In other news, Kaelyn laughed for the first time yesterday! I have yet to get her to do it again, but I was tickling her and she distictly giggled twice! Oh the joys of having an infant :) I know it's odd, but I feel very proud of her when she smiles or laughs or even holds her head on her own. It must be hard, having a body and not knowing how to hold it or what to do with it. But she is growing and learning so fast, and it just makes me proud.

I've been really missing Dominic lately, it seems like he's always at school, and although he's had his work hours cut back, I just still feel he's not around enough. That said, every free moment we are together, and I thank God for that. I just don't want him to miss out on Kaelyn, like I said, she's growing so fast.
That's all that's on my mind for now...who knows when the next post will be
Til next time...xo.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Katie Butkus Inspired Me
And I hope she doesn't see me as a copy-cat, if she does, this will be my one and only blog post :) Otherwise my plan is to help let out my frustrations, joys, trials and news. We'll see if I keep up with it.
One of the hardest things for me is to stick with it. I have started so many projects, and most of them end up halfway done in the back of my closet. I just seem to have no motivation. I'm not sure how to become motivated either. I think the biggest problem is that if it's not what I like from the get go, or if it's turning out different than I planned, I back out. Quitter. :/
On a happier note, Kaelyn is starting to hold her head up really well! I got her this neat seat called a Bumbo.
It's a funny looking seat that helps her back muscles, and helps her to sit upright, and I love it! Kaelyn's is purple, but I thought this was such a cute picture, I had to use it :)
That's all for now I guess, I'm not sure how to end this so....
til next time xo.
One of the hardest things for me is to stick with it. I have started so many projects, and most of them end up halfway done in the back of my closet. I just seem to have no motivation. I'm not sure how to become motivated either. I think the biggest problem is that if it's not what I like from the get go, or if it's turning out different than I planned, I back out. Quitter. :/
On a happier note, Kaelyn is starting to hold her head up really well! I got her this neat seat called a Bumbo.

That's all for now I guess, I'm not sure how to end this so....
til next time xo.
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